Thirty minutes later, we were on our way to Duke LASIK for my follow-up surgery. Dr. Kim had to lift both flaps, measure my corneas, and as it turned out was only able to perform surgery on the left eye.
One of the most exciting (kind of, but not really) things--Mom and I then went to Chick-Fil-A, which is right next to the hotel. By then, I was exhausted having had litte / no sleep. And one of SF's biggest travesty's is that there is no Chick-Fil-A anywhere nearby. Ugh. We took our feast back to the hotel, where I climbed in my jammies, ate my delicious meal, and got into bed (complete with protective eye wear).
Dinner was also Chick-Fil-A (hey, when it's not there all the time, sometimes it's OK to over-indulge). When Mom got comfy for bedtime, well, I am my mother's daughter. Note that not only did we bring the same pajama bottoms, but we also have identical feet.
My follow-up the next morning was fine. Then Mom and I went to a classic favorite for breakfast, Mad Hatter's. We stopped at Ian and my old house, and one of our old neighbors came out for a good chat. It was so strange to walk down the driveway of my old house. I felt like I should have unlocked the front door, and Howard would be waiting for me.
Then we went to the mall and did a bit of shopping. After lunch, Mom took me back to the hotel for more snoozing, and she headed back to Virginia. I have to say that Mom and I had the best time. I can't believe how much we are alike in so many ways--we were saying the same things at the same times. My friends (the Hippos) like to point out that I make noises when I eat ("mmm.." if something is delicious). When Mom and I were having lunch, I noticed she does it, too. Insane. We laughed and had great talks and it's just been too long since we've had time together like that. It was wonderful.
Friday night I took a cab to ol' McKinney. It was good to run into the people I did, as brief as it was. Quinney and drove over to Rue Cler to meet Carmen for dinner. Mm mm good. I love Rue Cler. It was so, so great being with two good friends for dinner. I miss having my friends around (more than just Ian and CarrieCarrie, anyway). Although, half the time I spent convincing them how wonderful SF is and how they need to move here in order to live a fulfilling life. More on that in another post. We hit another fave haunt afterwards for a beer, James Joyce, before Quinney took me home.
Last but not least, Saturday Stephie picked me up, and took me back to her house. We hung out with Riley Roo (who is a very grown-up 4). I brought her a few gifts (because every good aunt must), and I've got her squeezing the pig she creatively named Piggy Diggy. I like to call him P Diggy personally.
Then Steph and I saw The Other Boleyn Girl. I don't know so much about that history, but we're such suckers for a period piece, and I enjoyed it. When we got back to Steph's, Riley was up from her nap and we spent the afternoon coloring (she's an EXCELLENT colorer), watching The Little Mermaid, playing Boggle Jr., and Memory. Such a good time. We went to dinner at Outback (another little pleasure we're deprived of in SF), which was also fun.
Flight left at 6 the morning. I was home by noon. Ian and I had brunch at Mission Beach. Spent the day out and about, and by 9, I fell into bed. Had such a great time this weekend with friends and family, but it's good to be back in SF, too. Just makes me miss them a little more. *sigh*
Happy to report it's Wednesday! My eyes are doing well / recovering nicely. I had 5 interviews today for the other position in my company. They went really well.
I love Wednesdays because of America's Next Top Model, and it's also the season finale of Project Runway! Awesome.
Has anyone else seen this? It's been making me laugh so hard I'm crying-- The other night I put on a white terry cloth headband and tried to do it to Ian when he was looking in the mirror, when he was at the dresser, but he hates the face I make when I do it. It cracks me up. I also incorporated a little of it at work (thought it would be funny to spring up behind someone's cubicle wall like that, or come up behind them in the bathroom mirror). We'll see how it goes.
OK, that's enough for one post. More than enough. If I were a monster, my name would be Gerald. And I would be nice. And probably furry. Like Sully from Monsters Inc.
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