Well, not only does our relationship get better everyday, we also learn more about each other everyday. For instance, we found out that the way I push a wheelchair effects Lori the same way I drive a car. She gets all stressed out and thinks I'm going to run into everything. She has every reason to think this. During the 45 minutes that I wheeled her around, I managed to run her into the elevator wall, the back of someone's leg, and I almost ran over our guide's foot.
Don't worry, I'll get better. I need to be careful when I push you and those two tiny girls around.
Sweet dreams my pretty wife.
Oh, and I wanted to share something that Lori and I found. We lost it two years ago, but just recently, it's come back into our lives:

Thank you Seattle for having seasons.
hedeAnonymous here, thanking you for the updates and hoping you aren't freaked out by someone you probably don't remember following your life. Cyndi Harris here. I worked at McKinney in Studio -- almost exclusively on the Audi account -- from May 2005 to February 2007, when I was part of the big layoff. Ian may remember me but Lori probably won't. I'll say that I loved the transformation I saw in Ian when he fell in love with Lori and as I read your blog I'm charmed to see how love and life are transforming you both. Lori, most of your Scarlet Letter post reminded me so much of how I felt when I was pregnant with my baby boy (who is now 25! -- almost 26). It's so crazy to think you're a grown up and people expect you to be able to take care of another person! How can that happen when you feel pretty much like you did when you were 12? I remember it all so clearly! But I also remember what you have to look forward to: holding my baby while he slept just so I could look at his fingers and fingernails and ears and nose and marvel at the miracle that he was (and is!). Crying at 3 am because he was crying and nothing I tried would make him stop and then my sweet husband would come to the rescue and remind us all why two parents make the whole thing so much better! Those things and a thousand more tiny delights and tiny tragedies that make up your life and turn you into a parent and a better partner in your marriage. It's an amazing journey you're on and, while I wouldn't want to do it again, I enjoyed it so much! And I can tell you're enjoying it too! So thanks so much for sharing. I understand that having twins is pretty overwhelming and that blogging isn't your first priority by a long shot, so please accept my apology for sounding so pushy. I really just wanted to know you were okay. And I see that you're flourishing! and that makes me happy.
Thanks again! Stay in bed! When I was on bedrest, they told me to eat boiled eggs, fresh fruit and drink milk-- and nothing else! My husband would bring me these beautifully designed platters of fresh fruits and boiled eggs. Funny what sticks in the memory cells!
Thanks again,
Sorry, the first few letters of my above comment are the word verification that I was typing in to be able to post my comment! Sheesh! Having a very persistent dachshund sticking her nose under your hand while you type makes strange things happen in the typing! Sorry!
Well, Cyndi--I actually do remember you! You weren't being pushy at all--I think we tend to believe no one except a small handful of people read the blog (mostly because we're terrible at updating it, and partly because we think it must be boring to the grand masses).
Thanks for your comments and your long note. Definitely put a smile on my face, and serves as a reminder that there are people out there on the other end. :)
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