Hi everyone! So sorry for the delay in writing--don't mean to keep you all guessing over there. I'd like to say I've been busy, and that's why I haven't written. But I'm not sure that busy is the right word...
Today's Monday, and I'm still here in the hospital. I should treat this blog like Twitter, because the updates change so quickly and are so frequent. What I'd write right now is so different than the story from Friday, or Saturday, or Sunday.
Friday was probably the worst day. Mainly because it was all new, and they were getting us ramped up--they didn't "put us to bed" until after 1:30 am, and the night of sleep was pretty bad. It was a lot of monitoring, meds, shots (including steroids in the butt...ouch). Contractions were actually pretty active--every 3 minutes, so I had a shot and meds to stop them.
My days typically run in 2 cycles. At 6:30 am, someone from the lab shows up and takes blood. It has been adventurous to find new veins after having blood drawn 7 consecutive times. Then around 8, shift change has happened, and I get a new nurse. She runs my vitals and hooks me up to the fetal monitors (I get 3) for about 45 minutes. Afterwards, she consults with the doctor on the results of that, plus my bloodwork and they come and give me a plan. The same thing happens all over again in the pm (6:30 pm, lab shows up...8pm new night nurse)....
The plan has changed every time depending on the results. As of yesterday, it looked like they might induce me. As of today, no induction is in sight, but now I'm going to be getting an iron IV sometime today because my crit level is pretty low. My platelets have been low, they've gone up, then down....it's a bit of a roller coaster.
They do have 24hour room service, which is pretty good. Ian spent the first night with me, but after that--what's the point? So we can both have lousy sleep? I have sent him (reluctantly) packing so that he can get home and finish up the nursery, buy some car seats, clean the house, do his own work, and actually get sleep. Somehow it might be more depressing when he's here, because then it's both of us sitting here watching the 10 channels I have, or playing a game of UNO, or ordering room service. Makes it more obvious we're not anywhere fun, or getting to do what we really want to do.
Saturday night they added a sleeping pill to my list of meds in the evening. I've never taken one before, and boy did it work. I got a great night's sleep. I turned it down last night, and shouldn't have. It was a terrible night, and I couldn't wait until 6:30 and the lab person showed up.
Today I had an ultrasound, and it's just so strange. Instead of walking down a floor, the transport comes to get me and wheel me around laying down in a bed. It was actually a fun little ride, but makes you feel weird when you feel fine, but they don't let you up. So strange!
Ian's coming to visit any minute now. I've been working today--thankful for something else to do other than watch TV, read magazines and books. I'm actually sitting in a chair and not the bed, and no one has scolded me yet. I figure once the IV comes, I'll be locked down anyway.
So, all is well dear friends, but just a bummer to be stuck here. The scary part is that they might keep me here until I deliver, which could be goodness knows when? A week? Not a week? Two weeks? Ew!
I'll keep you up to date. Glad to get on a computer today....
Oops! See? I hadn't even posted this yet, and there's a new update. Sheesh. Dr just came in and said I will be in the hospital until delivery. Gross! I wish that weren't the case, but oh well. But she did say they won't deliver me today. ha--good to know. She said they'll hold out for a little while longer, let the steroids work (it's to help develop their lungs since they're gestationally so young), and then get my blood back in order...oh well. As long as the girls are fine, that's all that matters. Oh, and I did get scolded for not being in bed. :) oops!
Speaking of the girls, how hard is it to name a baby??!?! Well, it's terrible, I tell you. Ian and I are having the worst time. It's not like a stuffed animal or a plant...that you can rename 2 weeks later because the name doesn't quite fit or you don't like it anymore. It's a lifer! And there's so much to consider...last name combinations (Goode is very difficult, I tell you), initials, sound--and with 2 of the same, watching out for rhyming or same letters, or sounds. While some people are into that, we're not.

Alas, I guess one of these days we'll figure it out. But I really hate that we have to do it at all. :)