Well, here we are into my 33rd week of pregnancy. We had our class Wednesday night on breastfeeding--there were a lot of giggles from Ian. Not that he can't handle Boobie Talk, but our teacher is legimately funny. It looks tough, but the human body is so amazing, and I'm sure we'll get the hang of things eventually with 2. We even had little baby models (instead of using the giraffe Ian and I used at home).
I'm looking forward to next week, our last class. It's more on infant care and post partum.

Ian and I both really enjoy the class. It's fascinating, really. There's one couple in there that we've somewhat clicked with. And the most bizarre thing happened. They just mentioned they were looking to buy a new house, and we responded to say that we thought our neighbor was interested in selling at some point. Fast forward 2 weeks, and this morning they had the inspection, and are closing in less than a month. Can you believe that? They already have a 4 and 2 year old, and their twin boys are due in February. Unbelievable, and pretty fun! What's also fun is that he's an architect, so we're really hoping at some point he can help us with our funky downstairs. :)
In other news, Ian and I were both excited about this morning's doctor appointment. Interested to see how things were going, how much they've grown, etc. As it turns out, they're huge! Twin B is 5 lb 14 oz and Twin A is 4 lb 12 oz. So, I'm basically carrying over 10 pounds of baby in my belly. And I can tell. This week has been tough mobility-wise. They're both super active, hearts are beating wonderfully, and they're both practicing their breathing (all great signs)!
But alas, always the drama with these twins. Both of their fluid levels dropped. So, we met with the doctor and she wants me to come in Sunday to the hospital to check again. She's unsure the cause, but they need to monitor--she said to be prepared and pack my bags to stay. They then found out, too, that my blood pressure went up. So, they took more blood today.
I thought that was it. I thought I'd blog about wishing me well for Sunday. But I just got off the phone with them--both the doctor and nurse called leaving messages while I was on conference calls for work. My bloodwork came back, and apparently my platelets have dropped. Top that off with a big weight gain jump this week, the lowered blood pressure and fluids...and well, there you have it. All indicators of preeclampsia.
So, as soon as Ian gets home and I can pack up my overnight bag, we're off to Triage at the hospital. What a bummer! No guarantee that I'll stay overnight or anything, but they have more and more tests to run.
I had decided a while ago that I never would have been a candidate for preeclampsia. I've never had blood pressure issues or anything. But, I just read the article I linked to above. And gross! Who knew? It was always the part I skipped over in my pregnancy books...I guess it's more common with twins.
Oh well. At least Ian just did laundry, so my pj's are clean! :) Will let you all know how things go.
sending happy thoughts / hugs your way :)
Thinking of you all and hoping everything is okay.
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