Sunday, December 6, 2009

Doctor Time!

Since that first night, Lori and I have really gotten the hang off this. If we stick to the routine (every 3 hours it's eat time) they are pretty much set. Right now, basically they eat, do their "business" and sleep. In a lot of ways, they are like a cat, but Lori and I don't really like cats, so in that way, they are NOTHING like a cat.

Everyone is doing great, the girls are happy, and Lori is recovering so well. We couldn't have asked for anything better.

On Thursday, they were almost a week old. we went to the doctor for their first visit and while we were waiting, we had them out on the table just hanging out. This was really the fist time they had been up and not swaddled. It was, and you can probably tell from the video, hilarious. Maybe it was a have to be their experience, but it it was funny to us.

Always good to have an iPhone around for this type of stuff.

More to come!


Sasser said...

Yall are completely ridiculous, and I love it. I was crying and laughing at the same time.

Expect visitors in January when you need more help!

Unknown said...

OH my GOD, that was funny. "How big was that fish? THAT big??" HAHAHAHA Those amazing little precious babies are SO expressive! How could they not be with you guys for parents, though, really. :)