The girls had their 4-month visit to the pediatrician Thursday afternoon. For the first time, I had to take them by myself since Ian was working.
It was trickier doing it alone, but I have to say that I managed it wonderfully. I had little stations set up for changing their diapers and disposing of them, and felt very organized.
Even though the girls at daycare said that they didn't nap much that morning, thankfully the Sylvie and Jane were complete angels. They laughed and smiled, and were extra sweet. They both cried receiving one of the shots, but calmed soon after. It was a good day for it overall.
They're doing great! Sylvie is up to 11 lbs 14oz, and Jane is 12 lbs 8.5oz. I can't believe some babies are born that big....Jane is 26 inches long--in the 95th percentile for their age--Sylvie is almost as long.
Anyway, I snapped these while they were on the table waiting for the doctor. They look conjoined. They've come a long way since that first visit Ian posted.

1 comment:
Oh! My! They are so, so beautiful!
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