Sunday, August 30, 2009

if I wrote everyday....

You might hear a different story about my pregnant life. I meant to write on Thursday, and I planned the beginning. I've forgotten it now, but it was going to be something about how I named myself the White Whale for the day. It's weird even now to see the fluctuations between a huge tummy, a pretty big tummy, a tiny slit of a belly button, then a rounder one, tummy slighty squishy, tummy so hard it might knock someone out. And while there is now no mistaking whatsoever that I'm pregnant, it's funny it would vary so much by day, and by outfit. It's starting to get harder to put on shoes, or sometimes get up from really slouchy couches. And the girls are kicking and moving pretty much all the time. Ian hasn't been able to feel them yet, but I sure do.

We had our first Seattle ultrasound this past week, and for the most part, all is well. They're sharing their fluids nicely, I'm still holding up well. One unhappy piece of news, which is that apparently Twin A has a calcium deposit on her heart. It's a common indicator of down's syndrome.

Now, here's where you have to take things with a grain of salt. Of course whenever you hear something like that, it's worrisome--and often creeps back into your mind from time to time (especially that day). But the truth is that we've already done the testing--we're something like 1 in 33,000th chance. It would also be strange for A to have it, and not B (at least I think so, since they're identical), and there aren't other indicators at this point.

The doctors didn't seem very worried, either. So it's one of those things that taint the overall visit a tiny bit, but that we can't really sit and worry about. Because what can we do about it, anyway? And an indicator doesn't mean it's positive. So alas, overall the girls are fine. Calcium deposits--perhaps I should switch milk brands. haha.

Things with the house are progressing as they can be. There's something new every day (welcome to the new mortgage application process!). Oh, night and day from buying our first house. And unfortunately, no one in the business currently knows what's going on, since rules and regulations change literally every day. So, it's hand one thing in today, later in the afternoon it will be something else. We've been compiling our financial history steadily now for the past 2 weeks. We really just can't wait to get in and start getting busy. So much work to be done (all cosmetic), but so exciting to make our own. Our close date is now 9/18, and we're able to move in the 21st.

Until then, we're stuck in this lovely corporate housing for another 4 days, move out Thursday into an Extended Stay America until the following Tuesday, then move in with Carrie and Paul that night until we can move into our house.

Oh, the nomadic life. It's fine. Aside from the easy proximity to work, this place is terrible. There was a raging party last night--I feel like I'm forced back into college. And we love this place and their smarts--how all the elevators are brought down for maintenance at once (and for 2 weeks)...not the most well-run place. We are constantly amazed that anyone would actually choose to live here on their own.

Next week work-wise should be fun. Seattle is definitely the hub for out-of-town visitors, and next week there will be plenty of them: at least 6. Good times. Also, Ian and I are planning our anniversary trip. I think we'll be heading up to Victoria Island, BC. It's part anniversary, part last trip before we have babies. So with even all this financial pressure lately, we think it's important to slide it in.

Today we're thinking about heading to the zoo. I love zoos, and can't wait to see the one that will be within a couple of miles from our house!!

ps--my feet are back to normal, thank goodness. It was just a NY / flying thing. whew!

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