Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Day to day...

Every day, every minute brings something brand new. And we're still trying to navigate the waters and figure things out. I imagine it will be this way for years.

We're doing well. We ended up staying in the hospital until yesterday, so we had our first official night alone with the girls last night. I'm not going to lie--it was really tough.

But let's back up.

Jeff was here for Thanksgiving. It was quite uneventful on my side, because of my bed rest. Poor guy. I just sat around day and night, but at least he was able to catch up on sleep (my brother is the busiest human alive).

I saw a sign of labor on Thanksgiving--I won't go into detail, just know it was there. Friday morning, I went to the hospital at 8 for a monitoring appointment. All was well.

Friday night, Ian brought me a plate of Thanksgiving leftovers (he made Thanksgiving dinner all by himself, and it was delicious). As I sat, I had a little feeling. Hm.

Let's just say that it is like in the movies. My water broke. I finished my dinner. We called the doctor. Within the hour, Jeff, Ian, and I had our bags packed and were in the car heading to the hospital.

We arrived, checked into triage. They started monitoring. They inserted an IV (how many of these can I get? My arms look terrible from all the IVs and blood draws over the past 2 weeks). An hour or so later, and I was checked into antepartum--the room right next to my old one from 2 weeks ago. Even recognized all my nurses.

I always wondered how my contractions would get worse--how real labor contractions differed from Braxton Hicks contractions, and how they would feel if you always see women screaming on TV.

Then I found out. It's weird how the minute I got to the hospital, the contractions started to feel completely different--they were even in a completely different area of my body. And increasingly, it hurt.

The nurse advised we walk around the hospital for 40 minutes, to see if labor progressed. If I didn't go into active labor, Jeff would have had to go back to the house (only 1 visitor is allowed after 9pm, due to H1N1 security). So, we walked around the hospital, and holy cow. It was painful. Every contraction (about 2 minutes apart) almost stopped me in my tracks. The whole breathing thing becomes a necessity, not just a cliche of contraction.

After 40 minutes, we returned to the room and the nurse came back in. They checked my dilation for the first time--7 cm already. They ordered an immediate transfer into labor and delivery, and the epidural.

By now, there was so much going on and quickly. Monitoring the babies by hand, then using the head monitor for Baby A, giving the epidural (it took them 3 times....not fun). I just bore down, focused, and got lost in the focus.

The doctor came in, told me I needed to start pushing--there were a few in the labor room before we transferred to the OR (all twin births are in the OR, just in case).

Then, it was just coaching, and I had my eye on the prize. The doctors and nurses were amazing--really encouraging and helpful. They told me I got the best patient AND best pusher award. Even in the midst of all that discomfort, that made me happy.

Twin A was out before we knew it, and how unbelievably amazing is that experience. To see her for the first time. After she was checked out, and they brought her to me--she just looked right back at me, and it's such indescribable love.

And then it was time to start from Ground Zero with Twin B. About 45 minutes later, and she was also out.

By the way, 2 notes about the video Ian posted. One: he wasn't crying. :) He was laughing at how funny it was she was already mimicking one of my habits. Two: She was the calm one (we thought). We've since learned otherwise.

Anyway, it was so awesome that Jeff was there for their birth, and he was able to spend 2 hours with them before hopping his flight back to Charlotte. Uncanny, perfect timing.

By now it's 8:00 am, and Ian and I are exhausted. Why must babies always come in the middle of the night? Why don't they wait until you have a full night's rest, and then come?

Everyone at the hospital was great (OK--except for one nurse. She made me feel very grouchy). But otherwise, you feel like they're really there for you and help you out. The babies roomed in with us, so there was little sleep--we're feeding them every 3 hours, and being checked on in between.

The final night, Jane and I were checked out, but Sylvie was admitted into the pediatric unit--they wanted to monitor her blood sugar and slight jaundice a bit more. That night was like clockwork. Ian and I tag teamed our roles, and while we didn't get much sleep, we had a good handle on our girls.

We have to feed them every 3 hours, but with both girls--well, we have found that it takes between an hour and an hour and a half to accomplish this. So, we're left with an hour and a half of sleep in between each time. It's challenging. I can't imagine doing any of this on my own. And, (no offense to anyone with singletons!) if we ever have another, I think it will be a piece of cake. From the birth itself, to feeding, to changing, to holding. How much simpler it would be with only one!

They are absolutely precious. They're so soft and sweet, they smell good. They're cuddly and snuggly. They make cute faces. They make funny faces. They're tiny. They have loads of silky hair. They make us laugh.

Anyway, so we came home yesterday. And a new sense of pride or awe comes over you. You leave a family of 4. You have 2 newborns. They get in the car with you. Life will never be the same.

Last night, like I said, was a bit rough. Not much sleep was had, and they were awake and fussy most of the night. It was frustrating and exhausting. But I ended up getting in almost 2 solid hours of sleep, and woke up refreshed to a sunny Seattle day, and 2 very sweet and cooperative girls. Today, so far, has been great.

And for the next phase--starting tonight, we will have guests for the next straight month. My mom is on her way now--she'll be here tonight. She leaves next Thursday--the same day Ian's parents arrive. They leave on the 15th, the same day my Dad arrives. He's here until the 31st (and I think Jeff will be back at some point during that time). Lots of guest sheet changing for us! But looking forward to it. We had our one night alone with the girls, and now it will be family filled! What to do come January?!?

Anyway, that's all the updating for now. Will try to post more pictures soon.

Love to you all, and thank you for all the emails, voicemails, and well-wishes! We'll try to answer the phone as we can, or email as we can. But our hands are a little full. :)


Cyndi said...

Wow! Aren't all four of you lucky to have each other? You're all doing so well and it's pretty impressive. My best advice as the mother of one baby at a time is this: sleep when the babies sleep (I feel as if I should put that in all caps!). At least at first. And be thankful that you'll have another grownup there most of the time so you can take a shower. Such a luxury! I'm so happy for all of you!

carmen said...

so good to hear how it's going! I bet Jane and Sylvie make very funny faces (you and Ian do). sounds like you'll have lots of hands to help change diapers!

thinking about you all, miss you all and love you x2!

will call around the holidays - I won't be upset if you don't call me back:)