This morning (Friday) I was up at 4, and to Tsukiji market (the fish market) by 5 am.
It's pretty insane. Fresh fish (still alive) by the miles--you need to keep watch that you aren't run over by any of the hundreds of little vehicles, fish carts, etc. as the workers are busily gearing up for the auction and sales. In fact, check out the pictures of the bloody eels below--I was taking this picture, and someone pushed me from behind (which further gave me the heebie jeebies after being so close to them). I thought at first it was someone in our group thinking they were funny, but a man with a cart was trying to get by. I was more careful after that. The idea of face planting in that container was a little scary, to say the least. Warning--pictures can be a bit yucky. Not for the weak of stomach!

The pictures below are why you should arrive at the fish market so early. The market lasts all morning, but the human-sized tuna fish auction begins at 5:30. Check these guys out!

This video is of the auction. There are dance moves, beats, and songs. We wondered how one qualifies for the position, and if auditions are held?
After witnessing the crazy auction, and getting my fill of slimy fishiness, we headed just across the street for the freshest sushi you'll ever dream of. Note the bottom picture where I include beer, sushi, and my watch to demonstrate my 6 am meal. The place was packed and tiny--the line outside growing longer by the minute. I have to admit that after walking the stalls of the market, the sushi was slightly less appetizing, but was (in taste) the best I've ever had....

Now for a quick nap (it's only 8 am still), before exploring the city (aka getting lost in the world without English).
If I were a human-sized tuna fish, my name would be Georg (no, not George).
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