Wow! Okay I have just been poking around these pictures, and there is so much I want to talk about. I actually can't think of how I'll be able to put it all in one post without writing a novel, so I'm going to break it up. I don’t want my posts to be too long. It might be too much to read. Also, I think a nice side effect of splitting it up is it will bring suspense to our little page. I’m calling it Blogspense. “Whatever will he talk about next?” I got you! You're captivated! It's like you're watching Lost. Okay, enough babbling from me. On with the show...
So, what did I think about my first trip to the Philippines. Two words. LOVED IT.

Since I’m now Filipino by marriage (Tito Ian) I’m hoping to spend some more time there. I see this trip as the perfect introduction to my new “by marriage homeland”. I see this trip as a Philippines sampler platter or like when you first get to an amazing buffet and you have to give it the walk around to know how you’re going to tackle all the goodness. (much like our dining experiences at Pearl Island. Explanation to come)

The reason for me referring to this trip as a buffet of sorts, is that we were never anywhere long enough to settle in and most of what I saw was through glass. (the glass in this would be the metaphor for the sneeze guard located above the food at most of your up scale buffet establishments.) We spent a lot of time in the car, so a lot of what I saw was at 80 km per hour. Lucky for me, I had shotgun the whole time, so I had plenty of room to stretch out. Sorry Lori. Hee hee

I don’t mind that we didn’t spend a lot of time in certain places. We only had a week, and it was really the only way to make use of that short time we had. We were originally going to stay longer, but we had to cut the trip down a little so we could have some time off work left for us to see some of you East Coasters. Next time we go, I’m hoping to be able to spend time in the places I enjoyed most. For instance...
Here is a list of the larger cities we visited. I arranged them in order of how much I liked them.
(1.) Cagayan De Oro.
(2.) Ozamis
(3.) Davao City
(4.) Iligan City (the Jollibee was nice)
(4.) Manila
Cagayan was hands down my favorite. It may be because I had the most time to actually slow down and enjoy it there, but I think it also felt the homiest.

Let me interrupt myself for a second here. I just realized that I'm about to go off in a direction that isn't really where I want to start. I think when people typically post about trips, they go in chronological order and then side step every once and a while to tell you about things they learned or felt. I'm going to stick to this layout because otherwise, I'll probably miss something.
Okay here goes the actual beginning of the first part of my Philippines post. Think of all that other stuff as foreshadowing. Here goes nothing...
Lori and I left on what you would technically call a Thursday morning. 1 am-ish. We had amazing exit row seats. It was more like exit room. there was no one in front of us. we could just get out of our seat and walk straight. Very key for a long flight. We enjoyed some movies, three meals, and a little sleeping. Oh, we also loved this video China airlines rolls as you are starting the deboarding process. They do this thing where they play pictures and video of cities where they have some of their major airline hubs. The first city was Taipei, which is actually where we were when we landed. I don't remember many of the pictures, but I do remember the song. Lori and I sang it the whole trip. "Good Morning Taipei" Very sing songy. WYI, This video and song will come up again. Due to all the planes we took. we got to see this video a lot.

Are layover in Taipei wasn't long at all. Just enough time us to look in a few airport shops and comment on how everyone is in a hurry to wait.
The flight from Taipei to Manila was a short one. Only about an hour and a half. We got off there, went through customs and got our first passport stamps of the trip. HOORAY! Lori and I both have brand new passports so it felt great to break them in in the Philippines. I also remember thinking about how great it is we got to start them at the same time because we could fill them together. (yeah yeah sappy)

Next up, a Domestic flight. From Manila to Cagayan De Oro. This is where we were going to meet Deedahn and Lori's Tito Boy.
The domestic airport isn't attached to the international airport in Manila, so we had someone arranged to pick up up and take us there. Too be honest, I don't know if they are family or not, but they were nice to come get up and drive us the 15 minutes to the domestic airport.
We had a great time waiting for our Cagayan flight. the layover was about 3 hours or more, so, we had some snacks, played some UNO, and had massages. 30 minutes massages in the airport for only 300 pesos. That's like 7 bucks! They were great too.
Next up, hour flight. I'll tell you, even Philippine Airlines has all US domestic flights beat hands down. they give you food and drinks and it's only an hour flight. They don't even give you peanuts anymore in the states.
The flight was nice. Lori had the window and I sat next to this guy who kept telling me that i should drink a lot of beer because it would make the trip better. He also kept showing me stuff in this Time magazine he had with him. Very nice weird guy.

Cagayan was great. Deedahn and Tito Boy picked us up from the airport and we were off to Tito Boy's house to pick up Tita Celest and we were off for a 4 hour drive to Ozamus. I don't know about Lori, but this is round about where I started feeling the traveling time. 3 hours or so down the road, we get to where we have to take the ferry over to Ozamus. Lucky for us, we were the last people to be able to sneak on. otherwise we would have had to wait another 30 minutes or more for the next ferry.

Finally, we're in Ozamus. I can't remember if we went to the hotel first to drop stuff off, or went directly to Lori's Tita Perrine's house, but that's where we ended up for dinner. Dinner there with TONS of family. Dancing around. Laughing. Singing. Drinking beer. I was soooo tired. We stayed there for a bit and then around 10 or so, we were back at our room.
For those of you keeping track, here's a recap of the things that we took just to get to our first night in the Philippines I count every time we go out ad then back in to something.
taxi - plane - plane - van - plane - truck - truck - ferry - truck - truck - room
Once we got there, Lori took a shower and I feel asleep laying sideways on the bed while Deedahn unpacked and farted a lot. ha ha. I don't really remember getting in bed for real, but I do remember waking up at 3 am with my left eye swollen shut, but that story comes in the next post. This post ends here. :)

Okay, so I lied about length it seems. This is really long. Just think, so far I've only gotten you there. I promise it will be better next post. Now that you're primed with some pictures and trip tales, I can get into the good stuff.
Okay, off to bed. I've been talking to Lori a bit while typing this (she's in Japan right now) and I want to talk to her a bit more before I go to bed.
We miss you all. Check back soon for more!
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