Wednesday, Jeff and I bought scalped tickets for the Marlins game, and that was a great time. The weather was great, we had amazing club seats. I love Safeco field. Really lovely. We had hot dogs and beer and cracker jacks. Can't get much better than that.
Thursday morning, Jeff flew back to San Francisco, and I flew in later that day after my meetings. Ian and Jeff picked me up from the airport, and as we were all starving, we dropped my bag off and walked a block to Pauline's Pizza. It was pretty delicious.
Friday was the 4th of July, and really beautiful outside. We headed to the Fisherman's Wharf and walked around a bit before taking one of the double decker sightseeing buses (the downtown loop).
We sat on the top, and were driven around for an hour and half seeing the sights of the city.
The coolest thing I learned about the city is that the water's edge is actually where Montgomery St now is--since then, there have been many many blocks added on. Essentially, all of the additional blocks were built on top of the water, and there are between 15-20 ships buried underneath the financial district.
We got some seafood at Fisherman's Wharf on our way back and sat by the water and ate (trying to avoid the grubbing, hovering seagulls). Then we headed to Westfield Mall to see Kitt Kitteredge, an American Girl. Quality entertainment.
The rest of the day is a bit of a blur, except I know we decided to go back to the house, make dinner (Mexican Mush anyone?), and play UNO (unfortunately, we didn't see any fireworks--it was an awfully foggy night, and we didn't feel like fighting the crowds).
Saturday we trekked to the San Francisco Zoo, which was great.
I always love the zoo, but it was fun with the three of us. We took bunches of silly pictures, ate a bunch of Dippin Dots.
This video is only worth watching sound on (and way up). Not as funny as in person, or the next giraffe that Jeff gave personality to--sad we missed recording that, but the giraffe turned out to be an opera star, and the crowd all loved it.
Our next stop was home, right before going to the Giants game. Yes, folks, 2 Major League baseball games in just a matter of 3 days. The AT&T stadium is really striking.
Sitting up high, you have great views of the Bay Bridge and the water.
Also a good game, although the seats weren't as great. The weather sure made up for all that, and it was a fun night.
Last full day together, Sunday morning we went to the delicious Absinthe in Hayes Valley for brunch, and shopped around there a little bit. We then decided to head to Crissy Field for some bocce ball.
We set up shop on the beach, and played for a couple of hours.
Once home, we made a quick trip to Mission Beach for some good old hamburgers.
Monday night Jeff flew back home. It was actually very sad, and I think we both had to try hard not to cry. Ian and I both really miss having him around.
If I were a kangaroo, my name would be DeeDee.
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