Yesterday, for some reason, I started getting comments on one of the pictures from that trip. It came from a funny little moment where Scott, Micah, and I, very mountain manish and unshaven, decide we would up the manhood degree and make some snowbeards by shoving snow in our faces and seeing what would stick. Immediately you look more manly because you're beard is all white and snowy. It instantly inspires questions in the minds of onlookers. Things like: "That must be cold." Being cold is much more manly than being hot. "He must have just climbed a mountain." Only manly men climb mountains and come back with snow covered beards.
Here is the picture:

So here's what started the funny. A friend of mine, who has just moved to London, noticed the picture for some reason (he said he was bored and snooping around) and so he wrote a little something funny about my beard. Due to the way Facebook works, this brought the image to my "friend's" attention and so more comments followed. It wasn't long before my nerd friend in arms found a likeness of me in some of my favoroite pop culture toys.
Ladies and gentleman. I look like a G.I. Joe. A G.I. Joe with a red beard who skies. By the way, He has a TERRIBLE name. That G. I. Joe's name... Snow Job.

I mean seriously! Could the name be any worse? I'm not going to get into definitions here, but if you're resourceful enough, you can start putting two and two together. Why couldn't his name be Skier Guy or Alpine or something. Even if his name was Allen it would be an improvement over Snow Job.
Well, I think it's funny anyway and it makes me want to buy the figure. I'm glad that the only G. I. Joe I resemble likes to ski and isn't into missiles or something.
One great thing that came out of this, is that I was reminded of something so so hilarious.
At the end of every G. I. Joe episode, there were these public service announcements used in an after school special kind of way. Pretty much to keep kids from burning down the house or talking to strangers. Stuff like that. In every PSA, there were always some crazy kids doing something dumb, and at least one G. I. Joe telling them to stop and do it this way instead. Usually the Joe used was one relating to the issue. If about fire, the fire guy is used. If it dealt with girls, one of the females characters made an appearance. You get the picture.
Well, they were funny by themselves, but what's even better, is a few years ago, someone decided to remix those videos. They dubbed over funny dialog and made the situations WAY funnier. There are tons of them and I recommend you all go search them out. Pretty easy actually. Youtube is littered with them. Just search GI Joe PSA.
Anyway, there is one about Snow Job! Katie, who works with Lori, posted this video during the "Ian looks like Snow Job" set.
Pretty hilarious.
Well, I just realized this is getting silly and long and I should probably go. I started this during a break while something was uploading and it's done now. Sorry it wasn't about what we've been up to. I seem to be pretty bad at that part of the deal. Hopefully I'll be better at it later. :)
We miss you all!
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