Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Japan -- Part 2

I should have called the last post Japan -- Part 1.5. It's just hours later, and I'm posting again. Mainly because I don't want to be behind, and have to weed through photos.
One excellent view from our Microsoft office is the intriguing Krispy Kreme. Yes, I did have a couple of good old glazed donuts today. But that's not the intriguing part. The craziness comes in the afternoon, when the lines to get into Krispy Kreme wrap 3 zig zagged rows deep (amusement park style)--not to mention the guy there to police the Krispy Kreme line, and the fact that there are chains set up, and a separate line around the building. The Krispy Kreme policeman allows more people from the separate line into the amusement park line as it thins out. He opens the chains and allows people to get through. The line stays this way literally all afternoon, and was still kicking when we left the office at 6:30 today.

A lack of consensus on dinner found 4 of us cabbing it to a tower (38th floor) to have sushi. It was in our own private little room. We had $40 Toro (this is for each person), sake, beer, and lots of sushi. It was a good meal, and the view was great.

We then headed to Shabuyia and walked around looking at the lights and crazy amounts of people. One thing I read about Tokyo prior to coming is that there are the same amount of people walking around the city at 3 pm than there are at 3 am. I can see it. It's always crowded. Surprisingly crowded, and even more surprisingly spotless.

We stopped in a local bar, had a beer...left to find another, and realized we couldn't keep our eyes open. Back to the hotel after all.

We are booking a hot spring resort for Saturday night, and leaving Tokyo. This is exciting. I think it's at the base of Mt. Fuji and should be an unforgettable experience.


Oh, we also stopped at a shopping mall near the MS office--where I found the infamous Musk Melon phenomenon. These apparently are absolutely perfect cantaloupe-looking melons, that make great gifts. The one pictured here is a mere $136. Wow.

If I were a Japanese beer, my name would be Corey.

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