Monday, February 25, 2008
Monday Brings: the return of nail clippers at work!
Weekend--mainly Saturday

Friday, February 22, 2008
Jay Peak Adventure (the other side of the coin)
Micah's side of the tale
Okay, get all comfortable. It's time for a ride.

"Hello. American Airlines? Yes hi. yada yada yada. Change my ticket. yada yada yada. Yes one more day. yada some more. 100 dollars? Sure, sounds great. Yes. Boston. Same airport. Tuesday. Thanks"
I can't believe I'm finally heading out. Kirsten (one of Lori's and now my good friends. see below) shows up and we have a wonderful dinner of homemade manicotti. Lori is great at baked Italian dishes. Pack. double check. pack some more. Bye Kirsten. Lori walks me out until I flag an empty taxi. I'm on my way.
arrive at SFO airport. actually one of my favorites as far as things going right. checking in takes seconds. going through security is swift. There really aren't many people around. Must be that Valentines day isn't really a fly day. I have about an hour before boarding. I grab a seat and decide to read some of my autobiography of Johnny Cash.

I board and I get a window seat. The best for a red eye flight. I try to read some more, but I decide to try sleep. I usually never sleep on planes, but I do. I wake up when the pilot starts to go one about preparing for landing. easiest 5 hour flight ever.
Technically, the day changes while I'm somewhere over Colorado, but we'll use the touch down time as the beginning of this day. Things go well in Logan. some genius decided to put a Starbucks right out side my gate. high-five to that guy. I have both my bags and I'm in a taxi on my way before I've even halfway finished my grande coffee.
he fun begins.
As stated in Micah's post, the same street name and number are in both Cambridge and Somerville. I go to Cambridge, Micah is in Somerville. only a tad over 2 miles away.
"Micah. Hey! I'm outside!"
"Really?! .... um.... no you're not. You're in Cambridge."
"coming to get you"
Micah picks me up, still in his pajamas, and we get on our way. By the time We grab Scott, we have knocked out brunch, getting the rental car, dropping Micah's roommate off at the airport, exploring a tiny section of Boston which included that amazing show store, and a few high-fives.

While waiting for Scott at the top of the T, I buy a scarf.
One of the smartest buys ever number 1
The three of us carry Scott's gear and ourselves to a sandwich shop for lunch. I also get a giant cupcake that looks better then it tastes. I love cupcakes. I give it the ole Harvard try. I get through about 1/4 of it.
We make it back to Micah's. Pack the car. Go to the spot where we meet the rest of our crew.
Hello everyone!
Here is where there are different sides to the story.
In my car. I get Marianna and Kay. we are carrying the gear, so three is all that will fit in the Malibu. We have a great time in the car catching up on things and playing the name game. Kay loses the name game. She's also not competitive at all.
We are hungry and call Micah ahead of us to say so.
"well, Scott has to use the bathroom as always, so this stop."
We stop at a gas station and take advantage of the bathroom and the random snacks inside. there is also a subway. I decide to buy a 6 inch turkey with double the meat.
One of the smartest buys ever number 2
Micah is dying to get to Jay so we don't go anywhere else.
After some pretty sweet driving which includes a moment where Micah slows quickly, I almost hit him and I do this fun fish tail thing, we make it to the Jay lodge. Yep, no food for you.
We go to the condo and lay out all our edible things. we eat what we can (the sandwich is split 5 ways i believe) and drink beer while playing dominoes. almost 12... off to bed. An exciting first day for sure.

Holy crap. Can you believe how amazing it is? Blue skies and powder everywhere. We suit up and head to the lodge area. Scott and I got to the proshop. We both buy a face cover thing.
One of the smartest buys ever number 3

I also purchase wrist guards and a helmet. Not a bit of my skin is exposed. I look like a cold ninja.
next we all get tickets and such, and hit the slopes. We pretty much form two teams. Scott, Micah, Kay, and I on one team with Dave, Sara, and Marianna on the other. We divide and conquer. tearing up the mountain. This place is huge and the snow is perfect. The dry erase board at the bottom of the first left says this:

"what city still had not paid off it's Olympic debt of 12 years as of 1998?"
some fun fact/question about Uma Thurman.
"temp at the top of the mountain is 0 with a wind chill of -30"
The -30 becomes apparent on the way up the lift. You find yourself thinking "make it stop" and you start to sympathize with people who climb Everest. The trees up here look sad. They all look like they are made of thick styrofoam.
Off the lift and we we go to town. I don't take as many pictures as i would like. mainly because i don't want to take off my gloves. It's hard to put them back on with the wrist guards underneath.

Other than the bone chilling wind, good times are had for sure.
we stop at 12 something for lunch.
this place is over packed. somehow we manage to grab a table, and have lunch. I have a cheeseburger and mac n cheese. I eat too much. I know I'll be too full to be comfortable.
We get back out there. yep. I was right
After a few more runs, we call it a day. We get back to the house and decide to make a trip to the store in the next town. We buy things for spaghetti and also breakfast for the morning. The night is spent eating, laughing, playing dominoes and drinking beer and wine. Micah won. Sara did not.

Micah and I make our way to the cars.
We make it to the parking lot and things become interesting.
"I can't find my car key"
We decide to retrace our steps. I can tell Micah doing some serious thinking. I'm not going to even try joking around to lighten the mood. instead, we formulate a plan that involves a tow truck and a bit more time in the car.
We break up and search our last steps. no key
after getting someone to break into Micah's car and then putting it on a tow truck. we break up again and start the journey back to MA. Kay, Scott, and I take the Malibu to get Micah's other key. Micah and the rest go with his inoperable car to a wal-mart in NH. It's a tad after 4 pm.

We have a pretty good time making it back to Boston. the roads are fine. The weather looks great. we are having a great talk. We decide to stop at McDonald's. we have shakes and things. My hat decides to go on it's on adventure. (no worries Kay. I'm sure he's happy wherever he is)
We make it back and drop off Scott for his trip to NY. From what we hear, he makes a 8pm bus. it took us less then 3 hours to get home.
we go to Micah's and get the key. Now to go back the other way. just 100 miles this time.
It starts raining. at some point we realize it's raining and it's 32 outside. not a great mix and we've slowed down a bit. We stop at the same McDonald's to make sure my hat is having a good time. We can't find him and wish him the best, back on the road.
It's getting terrible out now. I believe Kay and I are doing about 30 on the highway and I sort of feel like that's too fast. Some how we make it to the wal-mart and do the 180 back to boston.

The roads have gotten good and icy now and it takes a fair amount of concentration to make it back safely. luckily we all do get back safe and sound and after dropping everyone off, we're back at Micah's do make a 2 am pizza.
We sleep in. Nice. The weather isn't up for a day of boarding, so we decide to walk the freedom trail. We grab Micah's tall buddy Kyle and then brunch. It was soooo good minus the coffee. Micah even said no to a refill. wow.
The freedom trail was really fun. I love history. I kept thinking about the term "forefathers" and how funny it sounds. I keep this to myself. Also, at some point I text Cliff about how I'm walking through his old neighborhood. We have a hilarious back and forth via text. That dude is hilarious at all times.
Next up, movie and dinner.
We go see There Will Be Blood which was great and then it's Mexican for dinner. I can't remember the name of the joint, but you should get the fish tacos.
We drop of Marianna and Micah, Kyle, and I head to Micah's for scotch and bed. The orange couch is way more comfortable then the gray one.
up at five. We say goodbye and then kyle and I share a 5:30 cab to the airport. I supposedly have a 7:30 flight. I try the self check in for a bit before it tells me to go to customer service. The foreshadowing kicks in. Seems that somewhere along the line, my return trip is for March 19th and not Feb 19th. Well that's not going to work. Also what's really nice is it's going to cost me $1000 to get on the flight i was supposed to be on. American says it's Expedia's fault. Expedia says it's American's fault. I don't have the for a finger pointing battle. I just want to get home to Lori. this is where the iPhone saves the day.
for some reason, I am able to keep my cool after the lady has said for the 3rd time that my flight is scheduled for March and not Feb. I guess she deals with dumb all day. Dumb needs things repeated a lot. I get on Cheaptickets while she is saying things over and over and I find the cheapest flight I can that leaves soon. I bid the woman good day and I run over to US airways where I hold up my phone and ask the girl if I can get this flight at this price. Yes she says. amazing. I leave in an hour and a half. instead of a direct flight, I've got a lay over in Phoenix.
I use my new hour to have breakfast, coffee, and read some more of my book.
The idea for Elvis' Blue Suede Shoes came from an experience Johnny had in Germany. He told Carl Perkins, who first recorded the tune, the story and thought there was a tune in there somewhere. Unfortunately, Carl was injured in a car accident not long after recording the track and gaining a bit of acclaim for the song. Elvis records it at this time and builds on Carl's success. It becomes a huge "what if"
My flight to Phoenix was nice. I read more and watch a movie.
The Phoenix airport is not bad. I was hungry and the airport is filled with mexican food. I have a burrito.
my flight is supposed to leave at 2:49. Nope. it gets pushed back. I end up leaving at 5 something. I actually sit next to a really nice guy who happens to be a game developer. We talk the whole time. Nice guy.
I finally make it back to SF and back home sometime around 7. I was supposed to be back at 10am. Lori and I have dinner at Mission Beach (of course) and then bed. I'm exhausted.
Despite the hiccups along the way, I had a great time. I really miss my friends and Micah and Marianna are at the tip top of that list. I would do it again if it meant I got to hang out with everyone. Regardless of the things that happened, the only thing I would change is the plane thing because that didn't involve hanging out. just a lot of waiting. The rest just makes for a fun (and long) story.
If you've made it here, I congratulate you for reading my novel. sorry it's so long. I had the time and wanted to take advantage of it. This will for sure be my longest posting.
Have a great day everyone!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Sticky the Swordfish Who Lives Under the Bed
I’ve had a few semi-glorious days at work, simply because it has slowed down considerably from the past few weeks. I am actually able to maintain other side projects, and manage my seemingly un-manageable inbox.
Last night, Ian and I enjoyed a long overdue TV night. We caught up on about 5 shows, had a delicious Ian-prepared dinner, and just plain relaxed.
Ian fell asleep towards the end of the night on the couch. Now he knows how I feel. I think it was largely owing to the fact that for the first time in ages, he was actually laying on the couch with his head in my lap. It’s usually the opposite.
Anyway, he walked the walk of delirium to bed (which is normally what I do). And he’s just so funny. Especially when he’s sleepy.
I lit a candle because the bedroom smelled a little fishy (we had salmon and shrimp for dinner). He asked why I was lighting it…I told him, and he said:
“That’s not the reason it’s fishy.”
“It’s not?”
“No,” he said.
“Why does it smell like fish then?”
“Because of our new pet.”
“We have a new pet?”
“Yes,” Ian says. He’s smiling sleepily and crawling into bed.
“What is it?”
“A swordfish.”
“Oh yeah?” Where is he now?”
“Under the bed.”
“He is? Is he in water?”
“Under the bed?”
“In a tank or something?”“No. There’s just a little water under there.”
“Oh, like a puddle?”
“No,” he laughs, “he has a water bottle and it pours it on himself sometimes.”
“Oh. What’s his name?”
“You don’t know his name and he’s our pet? I can’t believe it!”
After the back and forth of “I can’t believe you don’t know his name and he’s our pet,” I finally got it out of him. His name is Sticky.
Sticky the swordfish. Ian fell asleep fast.
Thinking about Sticky this morning, I thought of if / when we have children, they will have the most robust imaginations available. Between me, my family, and Ian—well, creativity is covered.
If I personally were a swordfish, my name would be Louie.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Girl's weekend Feb 2008
Friday was really fun--my friend Kirsten (hereafter in the blog referred to as K-Dawg), came from NYC Thursday evening. Friday, we woke up and ran over to Mission Beach Cafe for coffee and a pastry. It was nice for once to be able to sit and enjoy coffee during a work day, and not feel rushed or late. Lovely.
Friday can really be summed up as walking, walking, walking. We wandered down Valencia and Guerrero, and Church, popping in and out of boutiques. It's fun to go with K-Dawg because she works as an Assistant Decorating Editor for a magazine, so she knows a lot of the artists and designers featured in these stores. We had lunch at Fritjz--crepes and great Belgian fries with dipping sauce.
We decided to get a pedicure, and were able to get an appointment--to kill time in the interim, we stopped at Duboce Park. It was such a gorgeous day.
We then ran to our pedicure, and made the hike home to get ready for dinner.
Dinner was at delicious Luna Park. We started off with Mojito's, then the grilled artichoke (very yummy). A bottle of Viognier and sea bass and mm mm.
Here's a really dark obviously self-taken picture of us at dinner.
After dinner, we decided to go dancing. It was pretty amusing, especially since I have no idea where to go out since we've been here--Ian and I have yet to go "out" to a club or something (aside from the periodic happy hour situation with my co-workers).
We walked down Market toward the Castro, and settled on the best gay bar that we could tell had music we might enjoy. I just can't get into dancing to trance / techno. So, we popped in a bar (I have no idea what it's called), but there were of course the sculpted men dancing ini their briefs and boots on the bar, on risers, etc. We got a couple of drinks and headed to the dance floor. It was highly entertaining and fun, but eventually (within the hour) turned into a crazy place. DIfferent racial, cultural, socio-economic groups moved in and fought for dance real estate. It was just getting rougher out there, which wasn't fun. It was when there was a near all-out brawl between a group of outspoken African-American women, and gay men that I pulled K-Dawg aside and said, "now is a good time to go." It was good timing. As we were leaving we were witness to a man running at full force to get into the club, and running smack into the closed door / wall. He didn't even put up protest when the bouncer told him he wasn't allowed in. Poor drunk guy just stood there sullenly.
Saturday morning, neither K-Dawg or I felt amazing. Something had upset our stomachs at dinner, unfortunately, and we both woke up with headaches. We had brunch at Andalu. We wish we had gotten a picture in retrospect, but K-Dawg ordered a mexican scramble that actually looked like orange throw-up. It was yucky looking, and we dubbed it Barfy Brunch for the rest of the day (as it took K a few hours to recover from it).
We headed to Union Square, and took it easy--went into a few shops, sat in Union Square (where we were assaulted by pigeons, and K sat in pigeon poop--her outfit then known as Doo Doo Dress).
We made a couple more pit stops at in Lower Haight and back in my hood before heading over to Foreign Cinema for dinner.

The food was amazing, the atmosphere was amazing--La Vie en Rose was playing. I loved it.
Finally, we walked home, started a fire, made some hot tea and got a perfect guilty pleasure on Demand: The Nanny Diaries. You might think this is a light fluffy movie, but it's actually very sad, mainly from its realistic social commentary. I forgot Laura Linney was in the movie (or maybe I never knew it at all), but she played a very different character from what I'm used to seeing her in.
We watched a bit more TV, and ended up in bed.
I took K-Dawg to the airport bright and early in the morning. It was good to get up, and now I'm here, reading emails, catching up on work. I have no idea what I want to do today. It's cloudy and colder. I want to do something fun, but I'm just tired and want to veg a little bit. I started to read Love in the TIme of Cholera Thursday, and would love to get deeper.
I miss Ian. Glad he's having a fun time. Can't wait to see him Tuesday.
If I were a pillow, my name would be Andy.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Here, LA, here again (hello weekend)
Michelle: Can you travel tomorrow?
Me: haha
MIchelle: [silence]
Me: Are you serious?
Michelle: Yes
Me: OK, I guess so.
So it was done. Tuesday morning, I woke up earlier, and Ian drove me to the airport. The flight was at least on time (it hasn't been at all lately), but there were two annoying things:
1. The older couple in front of me insisted on making out the whole time. This wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the seating arrangement. Because I was in the last row, there was only one other seat besides mine, so we were a little moved over from the row of 3 in front of us--this meant that I was situated in between the two seats in front of me, rather than directly behind one seat and had a full view of the lovey doveyness. I got a picture of it, but I can't get the picture off my phone since they're not synced up. Kind of why I waitied to post (to see if I could show the picture). When I saw older, they were one of those 40 / 50 somethings that the woman dies her hair blond and thinks she's still 23. Especially gross.
2. The lady next to me was working on a powerpoint presentation, and talked to herself the whole time. I think she talked through everything: figuring out what to put in, and then practicing.
Thank god the flight to LA is only 1 hour.
We had lunch with clients, and then I was able to relax back in the hotel--by relax, I mean I worked for the rest of the day from the hotel, but was happy that I was in my pj's. Then, Michelle and I went to Venice Beach and had dinner at a place called Joe's, which was pretty tasty. I'm just happy it was on the company bill, and my 3 scallops were $31.
We attended the Interactive Mixer Burlesque Show--yes, crazy. It was actually not bad. The first LA event I attended wasn't as fun, because the territory was new for me, and I didn't know anyone. Now that it's been my third, it was fun seeing the same people, and being able to talk and mingle without feeling awkward.
Back to the hotel at 11:30, shower, check email, hop in bed. Up at 6:30 to catch my flight...then it was directly to work.
Not a big fan of Valentine's day, but when I got home Wednesday night, he had made a nice dinner, and gave me a beautiful vase and plant. Very sweet.
And now it's Friday. Here, Ian and I are going to branch off which is kind of fun (and maybe more interesting for you guys). Ian took the red-eye last night to Boston, where he's meeting up with our friends from the agency. They're snowboarding all weekend in Vermont.
I, on the other hand, have a girls' weekend planned with my friend Kirsten (aka K-Dawg). She was in Anaheim on business (she lives in NYC) and flew up here for the weekend. So, she arrived last night, we made dinner and had winie and chatted. Then Ian took off. This morning, we've already been to Mission Beach for coffee and a pastry. She's showering, and I think we'll walk around the hood today. It's another gorgeous day, and I'm very happy for that.
I guess that's the limit. I can't write more without pictures. How boring.
I am a little angry with myself for forgetting to sign off with my new names. I think I'll go back and fill in the blanks where I left off.
But for now:
If I were a table runner, my name would be Susanna.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
filling in the gaps
I woke up before Lori. She would say I left her sleep, but we all no that even if I tried, nothing's getting her up until she's ready. that girl loves to sleep. Basically, she's a bear. Only the sleeping kind.
We had breakfast at home and then decided to run some errands in union square. After doing some walking around, we decided to look for somewhere outside to eat. We found a café on maiden lane, and had some pretty great food. Minus the nail clipping dude, it was really nice. There was a HILARIOUS moment at lunch. Oh, by the way, many of these pictures on this blog are form the ole iPhone which. Takes pretty good pictures. Just like this one. :)
This lady next to us (pictured behind Lori) had three dogs in two bags. She was in a semi heated talk with her orange husband who was wearing a leather jacket that looked like dragon hide or Basilisk or something. He looked ridiculous. He was in his late 60s and past the tanning bed and leather jacket age anyway. You know, I guess he would have looked silly regardless just being orange. It really doesn't matter what fictitious animal his jacket may be made out of. I'm straying from my picture topic.
So, Lori was sitting there, minding her own biscuits (biscuits = business in our language) while I was aiming my phone at her to take a picture. Right when I hit the picture button, The dogs went CRAZY. you HAVE to click on this picture to see it up close. look at Lori's eyes behind her sunglasses. HA HA. Almost as funny as the expression caught on tape from her surprise at her surprise party. (that will come in a future post for sure) You can see the woman just starting to calm down one of the three dogs. "I swear they can smell a dog a mile away." she said. Lori's money is on the fact that the dog walking by had tiny bells on it or something. We decided not to point out that other dogs had made their way past without distraction. It was best to let her keep thinking her tiny dogs had super sonic noses. I mean, her husband was orange and wearing improbable clothes. We needed to do something to brighten her day.
As you know from below, we made Sunday a Zoo trip. I think we've both been meaning to go for a while. I think about it every time I see the L train. Since it ends at the Zoo, it always says "L SF Zoo" on it. Direction / Advertising all in one. brilliant.
Anyway, prior to our decision to see some animals, we... woke up. We slept in for a bit. Until about 10. Then we both decided we were hungry and that Mission Beach Café should be the place to feed the beasts. We threw on the closest things to us and were sitting down within 15 minutes.
"Two amazing coffees please. Also, we would like a super delicious egg sandwich and falbulous pancakes. Can we round that out with a side of super tasty chicken apple sausage? yes? done. Bring it out!" Man we love that place.
Random fact (sort of):
Almost everywhere in SF seems to start serving brunch at 10. I don't think anyone gets up before 9 or something so if you want to have a great brunch and no waiting, get there between 10 and 11. after that, you're probably going to do some waiting.
The decision to go to the zoo was made over our meal, so after we finished our brunch, it was a run back to the house change shoes and grab a camera. (I love that we can get up with no plans, but end up at the zoo) A quick walk to the MUNI and away we go. the second train to come was the L which drops you off almost at the front of the zoo. It's weird to think that we can walk for 5 minutes, get on public transportation, and then not get out of our seat until we are at the zoo. The walk to the grocery store is further than the zoo.)
This is where Lori's story fills in the zoo gap. She didn't mention how we didn't get to see any big cats except for one tiger who seemed to be in some make-shift cage. Unfortunately, due to the incident a few months ago. the large cat area is closed for a while. Oh and I should totally telling you that we both had hot dogs. Shared some fries. Took pictures in one of those photo booth things. Lori had cotton candy (pink of course) and I had some dippin' dots.
After the zoo (and Lori was done trying to hug every large stuffed animal in the gift shop) we walked over to the beach. Wait, I need to talk more about Lori and things that are filled with fluff. She absolutely LOVES stuffed animals. The bigger the better. I have no idea where we would put them, but she wants them all. I stick by my guns on this one. If we ever have kids, she will use that as an excuse to buy huge furry things. There will probably be a bear boarding on obscenely large.
So, the beach. Look! The pacific! It's weird to think we live at the beach.
So, that was the wrap on the rest of the weekend. Pretty great weekend I'd have to say. I don't think I could give you a number one moment, but I will tell you that it was magical to walk by the theater at 9:42 and see that one of your favorite movies of all time is playing in 3 minutes. It was amazing to see it on the big screen.
Well, I better stop going on. If you've made it this far, I'm proud of you.
Come back soon. There will be more to say for sure. :)
I like Scrabble. And people who like Scrabble.
What We've Been Up To
And how could I say no to this?
Friday night I didn't get home from work until about 8 (or after...) Ian ordered pizza, and we sat by the fire, ate our pizza, drank wine, and chatted about our days and all the new opportunities coming our way.
The weather was so nice, we decided to go for a walk. We walked all the way down Market to the Castro Theatre to see what was coming up. Lo! and behold--one of Ian's all-time favorite movies was starting in 5 minutes! We bought tickets, and went in.

Can I say how much I love the Castro Theatre? We've only been one other time--for Sing-A-Long Sound of Music, but it is a seriously magical place.
We chanced upon Say Anything. How much fun is that? Not only do they have a live organist (hail the Mighty Wurlitzer), but then a guy comes out and just chats and talks a bit--he's hilarious and personal and endearing. He's hand-selected the previews, and they're all old, old films of John Cusack. Previews sure have changed...
The Castro Theatre is fun because it's the only time people can yell things out and it's actually funny. It's like going to see a movie with a few hundred of your friends. Simply infectious.
So, it was a nice surprise, and made for a fun night.
Saturday, we did
Then our friend CarrieCarrie came over for dinner. We cooked and ate and drank wine and talked. Then we rocked it out with Rock Band. Very fun, laid back night with a good friend.
Today, again--another gorgeous, gorgeous day. After eating brunch at Mission Beach, we headed over to the SF Zoo for the first time. I always love the zoo.
Some highlights of course are giraffes, and my favorite was actually the new Grizzly Gulch. It is amazing to be so close to them!
The grizzlies were having a ball playing. I especially love the one of the bear below, and want Ian to Photoshop him into a bathtub. He looks hilarious, and tiny, and what the heck is up with his prissy feet examining?
Lastly, we didn't know Francois was also a monkey species! He's been our brother-in-law for a whole year! How about that?
The SF Zoo is right next to the beach, so for the first time, Ian and I walked on the beach together in SF. Very good day indeed. I feel refreshed for tomorrow. *sigh* Oh, tomorrow.
If I were a holiday, my name would be Frank.
Two Myths Debunked
1. Ripping something sticky off your body will grow hair in its place. My friend Kris would not participate in Face Mask night during slumber parties, because she insisted that when she peeled the face mask off, she would grow a "mustache" everywhere the mask had been.
This just isn't true.
2. Wearing face creams overnight sinks into your skin and maximizes the benefits. Kris would put Noxema all over her face, and then get in bed. She said that sleeping with the Noxema on helped it to sink into the skin and condition it.

My favorite part was her proof: "But the Noxema is all gone in the morning!"
The simple answer was because it was all over the pillow cases and sheets.
These are two myths debunked, and more proof of why I do love my friend Kris.
If I were a night cream, my name would be Julia.
When I was in college, I worked for a consulting firm. The COO was a bit of an arrogant man's man, and I thought his behavior was a little singular. But, come to think of it, he was from California. Please don't tell me this is a California thing (I don't think it is). But, the COO would sit on speaker phone, and actually clip his fingernails. He'd wave me in if I were at the door with files, be sitting there chatting, and clipping away--SNIP (clink--the sound of fingernail landing), SNIP (clink), SNIP (clink). GROSS!
And here, twice this weekend! In fact, twice in a 24-hour period, TWO different people clipping their fingernails in public.
People--I'm here to tell you. THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. A lot of you reading the blog are friends and family, so I don't expect that this pertains to you. But help spread the word. If we were able to vote on a law banning this, I would be the first in line at the polls.
Saturday, at an outdoor cafe, a man was actually cutting his nails at the table during lunch! WHAT?!?! He thinks this is OK? The worst part about public clipping is that they aren't harnessing the cast-off nails anywhere. He's likely leaving them on the table! The chairs! One word for this: Ew.
No one should have to eat lunch to the sound of a strange man clipping his fingernails, and the light clink of the nail landing somewhere.
The second instance was on the MUNI today. Luckily, Ian had his trusty iPhone with him.
And we snapped a shot to prove it. The lady and her kid sitting next to us were also disgusted, and when the lady clipping her nails got off the train, the boy said, "Mommy, that lady finally got off!" Good thing SOMEONE is teaching our youth some common etiquette.
I think I'm doing really well, and that makes me happy. What makes me happier is that I work for a company that believes strongly in praising when praise is due. Not only that, but they make it regular practice to let you know when you've done a job well, and they also communicate this to the highest ranks.
Imagine that. I have never worked for a place that does that. I'm surprised, and a little sheepish, and motivated.
And I actually have a call tomorrow with someone who is interested in possibly promoting me, which is really exciting.
That being said, this was such a hard week at work. Just very busy and stressful. Yikes.
If I were a napkin, my name would be Harold.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Well.... Crap
I mean, not only does she destroy me with her perfect grammar and spelling, but she's way funnier than me and AND she's now got her own little sign off. names for her if she was an object! come on! I can't compete with that. I have a hard enough time with just the spelling part. I have to change what I'm saying sometimes because I can't think of how a word is spelled and I can't get close enough for spell check to give me a leg up. The grammar (I just misspelled grammar for the second time. twice I've tried "grammer") part goes without saying. you'll for sure get a mouth full of run-on sentences and so much more. oh, and I will end sentences with prepositions. probably a lot. just be ready.
So, this post seems to be a sort of "set the record straight" deal. Actually, it's more of a "I'm going to make tons of mistakes. if it's confusing. I'm sorry. Either way, you'll probably know what I mean and if not... Oops." oh! oh! ha ha! by the way. for all of you out there who want to know more about what Lori and I talk about when you're not around. here's a snip it for you all... oh and yes, it's inline with the content of this post.
What Lori didn't tell you about our Thai dinner tonight. by Ian
Now that we have this blog, we have a new thing to talk about sometimes. we talk about the blog. it's very exciting for us to have an outlet of sorts that we can pass on. It's great. i love it, but it also comes back on me. it brings out the above characteristics i was going on about. here. let me give you an example. I'll set the scene.
We've just sat down to a neighborhood Thai restaurant. nothing fancy or special. we've never been here. just wanted some noodles and it was close to home. we sat in the window seat on a sort of raised platform and there were one of those tiny curtains along the window. you know the ones that are maybe 5 inches long, very wavy, and are always hanging from brassish pipe? we both order a glass of wine, an appetizer of tofu, and our respective noodle dishes. we've been talking about my interview (more about that later) and generally just discussing our days.
"how was your day?"
"how was yours?"
I can't remember everything that lead up to the blog talk, but this is what usually results in a blog discussion.
This is seriously almost verbatim. watch how quickly things turn on me.
Ian - "Did you see where Micah and Marianna posted a comment?"
Lori - "I sure did. Very exciting. Our first comment"
Ian - "Did you see my response?"
Lori - "Yep. There were so many spelling mistakes in there"
Ian - "no way! what did I misspell?"
Lori - "you misspelled "chalk". "
Ian - "no way did I misspell "chalk"! I know I did at first, but then I fixed it. First I think I had an "e" in there somewhere."
Lori - "maybe you're right. maybe you didn't misspelled it. Maybe you just used the wrong word somewhere or forgot a word or something."
(no benefit of the doubt. there has to be something wrong there.)
of course, she was right. i was talking about the dishwasher, and I said "upload" instead of "unload" hmph double hmph. hmph hmph.
well, so you all know, that's just one of the reasons why I love her. She completes me by being my portable English class. Not the one where you sit in the back of the classroom and draw the back of people's heads and get Fs on all the quizzes. No. I'm talking about the one where you sit in the back and draw the back of people's heads and get an A on all the quizzes because the hottie sitting across from you keeps whispering the answers.
Well, I should get going. Sleep calls. Have a wonderful day everyone!
(this space is to designate where my super cool sign off is going to be.)
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Mistaken + Hump Day + Corrections
I renamed yesterday Mistaken. If I titled all my days, that would have been yesterday. It's not as fresh in my mind anymore (as I walked around all day yesterday, I cataloged all the reasons in my head it would have been called Mistaken), but I can recap a few things:
Monday, February 4, 2008
Cats and Look-Alikes. Happy Monday!
You can imagine my surprise when I stole a few minutes at work today to read his post from last night--that he likened me to a big cat!
I can see what he means--I love to sleep (he calls me a Comfort Professional), and I might fight you for the spot on the floor where the sun filters through the window. Aside from that...well, no way.
I hate cats. Let me preface my reasons by making sure you understand that I am, indeed, an animal lover. I wanted to be a vet forever, and in 8th grade I bought a PETA book and became a vegetarian. I even once started to flush a tiny bug down the toilet, and felt guilty and rescued him. I kept a journal and "nursed" him back to health.
But the two animals I really don't like are birds and cats. Here are some reasons I dislike cats:
1. My Gran had a cat named Angus. A nice enough cat. In 5th grade, I was sitting at his kitchen table doing my homework, Angus sleeping peacefully in my lap. Well, he lapsed too much into sleep and dug his back nails into my pants. When I realized the piercing pain, I stood up. The cat stood with me. I had to extract the claws from my pants. Not only were there holes in my pants, but my Gran used rubbing alcohol to disinfect. Ouch. See? Even a nice cat can hurt you.
2. In 6th grade, I was at my friend Whitney's house. She had a cat named Buster. Buster was sweet and I was petting him. Without warning, Buster reached out a long paw and clawed my arm, drawing some serious blood. You just can't trust them.
3. In high school, I was spending the night at Stephanie's parents' house. In the middle of the night, I was in the kitchen, when I noticed a large creature. It turned out to be Oscar, their lion-sized cat. Basically, he had me cornered in the kitchen for what seemed hours. It was miserable.
4. I was cat-sitting for my friend Kris once, and her two cats, Cappy and Monty, actually chased me out of the house. My last memory of them as I was hightailing was that they were actually stuck to the screen doors--claws out, hanging mid-door and hissing. Scary.
5. And one more example: continuing on with Steph, she currently has a horror of a cat named Cleo. Cleo brings tiny helpless animals into the house, and kills them. Or just mutilates them. She is also vicious--can lash out at any minute.
Anyway, this is a segue into my funniest moment of the day: Stephanie IM'ed me at work today. To my absolute terror, she changed her IM icon into a picture of a cat which seemed as though it was peering at me. I hated it. So, she decided to change the icon, by using her mac to take pictures of herself. She barraged me with various poses and pictures of items in her office (this was funny in and of itself). Finally, she used a program called Photo Booth on her mac, which allowed her to distort her image.
The end product was horrifying. And hilarious. And looked nothing like her. I couldn't believe it. At first, I told her to take it away immediately, and then I said: "You look just like Eric Stoltz in Mask!"
She denied it vehemently. "No, I don't!" So, I had to do the side-by-side look alike. And the results are amazing (I was actually crying at work, it's so funny and uncanny). Once I sent it on, she had to agree.
I'll let you all decide. Guess who is who?
Anyway, on a side note, it was a beautiful day today. Not a raindrop in sight. Work was fine. Nothing exciting to report. I did distribute this link around to some friends and family, though, and was happy to hear from Kimberly that she enjoyed it. It was my hope to attempt to share more of our life here with all of those we miss and love so much. It makes me really happy to know it worked (at least once). Nighty-night.
ps--to be fair, a list of cats I like:
1. Cooper (yes, Yaz, Gregg's cat Cooper has big green eyes...)
2. Pokey
3. Winston
4. Fictional cats--like the Cheshire cat. Or Morris. Or the Aristocats (certain ones)
5. Toa (Steph has had one cat that meets my approval)
Sunday, February 3, 2008
the weekend wrap
I'll just come out with it. Last night, Lori and I went to a Foo Fighters concert.

As you can put together from Lori's post and now mine, this means we've had a pretty full weekend. All that's left is bedtime which is swiftly approaching. I'm not really excited about my up-and-coming Monday, but I guess the new hoodie I picked up today will help at least make the day more comfortable.
Okay, I'm off to get ready for bed. I hear the TV and no movement, so my guess is Lori is asleep on the couch. She has all the traits of a giant cat, but, you know, without the claws and the pooping in sand thing.
Have a great night/day and more pictures to come!
Oh, and just for those of you who are interested. If you have this strong urge to buy show tickets and not for yourselves, but possibly for someone maybe, I don't know, the Bay area, here are some acts that would make us smile.
(1.) The Decemberists (first you need to convince them to tour this year. It may require a bit of arm twisting)
(2.) Wilco
(3.) Springsteen (that's for me)
(4.) Belle & Sebastian
(5.) Rilo Kiley
there are tons more and Lori (who knows way more than I do about what is good music) would probably put different people in t hose 5, but those are the first few that came to me. hee hee.
Superbowl Sunday is the new Black Friday
Ian finally opened curtains wide to show me that today was not a rainy day (at least, it wasn't in the morning). We had a lazy morning of cereal and TV, and went off to Union Square for a bit of lunch and shopping.
We stopped first for deem sum at Yank Sing, near my office. That place is wonderful. Not as fun for two people, as the propensity to stuff yourself is higher (hence the ability to try different things lower). But you have to love a place that you barely have your jacket off and a tray of food is in front of you. The service is so friendly, and the food is great. Basically, there isn't a menu. They just bring by carts and carts of food, and you point at what you want. Then, they give you a stamp on your card to indicate how much your total will be in the end. It's lovely.
Directly afterwards, it was off shopping. And shopping did we do. Man. Union Square was refreshingly sparse (at least, as sparse as it gets). No battling crowds of lost tourists, or people who make last minute decisions and dead stop in the sidewalk, letting you run right into their heels.
We hit A.G. (I still just love stores that offer bottled water while you shop), Anthropologie, French Connection, North Face, etc...hitting all the amazing sales everyone seemed to have. I have declared Super Bowl Sunday the new Black Friday. Not only was it not crowded, however, but everyone is getting in their Spring Collections, and putting their winter on final clearance.
Anyway, Ian and I spent a good amount of money and I wiped out my gift cards from Christmas. It was satisfying and productive and just plain good times.
As soon as we got home and unloaded, Ian left to meet an old colleague from N.C. for dinner, and I thought that I would eat at Mission Beach instead of home.
I felt guilty when I sat down at Mission Beach and learned that they had a seafood risotto special (because Ian loves it so). I had that (and it was fantastic), and my fave glass of wine there. I read a little of my book, and watched the world go by. The best part is that I got two of our favorite desserts to go, and when Ian gets home we can have dessert together and chat about our respective nights.
We're back to work tomorrow. Oh, Mondays. But at least we have new clothes to wear. That's always fun.
'til next time.