I renamed yesterday Mistaken. If I titled all my days, that would have been yesterday. It's not as fresh in my mind anymore (as I walked around all day yesterday, I cataloged all the reasons in my head it would have been called Mistaken), but I can recap a few things:
1. First thing in the morning, I was on the phone with my most important client. There had been a huge miscommunication. Unfortunately, I distinctly remembered my side of the conversation, and was confused why he remembered me saying something completely different. I had one of those miserable pangs in my stomach and the heaviness of the heart that just wouldn't leave. Not the best way to start my day. It somewhat improved when I found an email containing what I had remembered telling him, but I feel somehow I still lost some credibility. No sense in arguing at all in these situations ("I remember this..."; "I thought I said this...").
2. All day I had the feeling of being a complete klutz, and was over-cautious with everything. Holding on tightly in the Muni (underground), I felt myself sway back and forth, unsure of my footing.
3. Getting out of the elevator at work, I went the wrong way. Twice.
4. I IM'ed a colleague who's in Seattle--a really professional guy (meaning, he'd never overstep his boundaries)--I think my IM said: "hi! quick question re: technology / publishers..." his response was "Hi honey." I was taken aback. I have to say that we ended up getting a great laugh out of this, because he truly was mistaken, and not only that but completely embarrassed. It is way out of his character to cross the line like that. That ended up being the funniest part of my day, but another case of mistaken-ness.
5. I felt like if I said something, other people regurgitated what I had said in the wrong way. I suppose I just was a mis-communicator or something (although I feel as though what I communicated was clear).
To sum it all up: Mistaken. Mis-taken.
It was a rough day yesterday. But it was lovely to come home, and after putting my bag down, Ian directing me to my reading room to sit down. Dinner was being prepared, and at my chair was a purple hyacinth plant and a large glass of wine. I have such a sweet husband.
Hump Day
Today was Hump Day. It was more like Hmph Day. Not altogether bad, but another rough one at work. Issues upon issues upon issues piling in. When I was a client of the company I now work for, I was a good one. I attempted to investigate and solve all issues on my own before ever reaching out for help. I feel like it's not the case with some of my clients. I feel like they instantly go to me first, and don't try to learn or discover for themselves. It's a little disheartening, but in the end they're only shortchanging themselves and their own growth (or so I tell myself).
I am also sad that I haven't made a close friend at work yet (and don't feel as though I will). Every job I've ever had, there was at least one (but so many more than one) person that I had a deep connection with. And if anything, at this one, there are more people that I absolutely know I don't even want to be friends with. It's not a fun realization, because I think work should be a fun, supportive environment. My favorite person there is my supervisor, and that can only go so far because of politics. I miss having someone around who understands me, and that I can have a good laugh with. *sigh*
The highlight of my day today was that Ian had off (he actually had a super successful interview this morning, but more about that in later posts I hope!). After his interview, he headed my way in the Financial District and we had lunch. He completely brightened my day! We never get to see each other during the day anymore. In NC, we worked together for a long time. I really miss being able to pal around with him during the day, grabbing a coffee or a bite when we wanted.
So, that was great. We had lunch at one of my favorite spots (Seller's Market), and then walked up to Amici for some coffee (and of course Ian had a cupcake). It was a great break in my day, and I went back renewed and a little taller.
After eating at a local Thai restaurant for dinner, Ian and I came home---he, to freelance work. Me, to a few rounds of my Solo tour playing guitar in Rock Band. haha. I did pretty well, if I do say so myself.
You know how in print when something is published, and then someone corrects the editor / writer, and they have to publish corrections? Here are mine from the last post:
1. I left out one cat in particular of the list of why I don't like cats. Yazzy pointed out a story that I probably blocked from my mind. In her words (from the email she sent): "Lori, I can't believe you didn't mention the time that Arkadin lunged at your hair when you guys visited me in Chicago as another reason you don't like cats! I swear it was so weird because he's really affectionate and friendly with everyone." More and more proof. Arkadin is normally a sweet cat (maybe that's why I didn't mention it?), but sure enough--he totally went after me. Sheesh.
I think those are all the corrections. I fear tomorrow will also be a scary day at work, and that makes me sad / apprehensive. But the week will soon be over, and I have SO much to look forward to! Kind of makes the rough patches all better.
Oh, and if you want to send me distorted pictures of yourself, I'd be happy to make celebrity comparisons and post them, like I did on Monday. I just hope they don't ALL look like Eric Stoltz from Mask.
Maybe I'll end each post with something new. For example, Steph and I play a game where we decide what our name would be if we were an object. I think I'm really good at coming up with names, by the way. So, at the end of each post, I will end with naming myself something.
1 comment:
i think the name douglas is quite funny. why? well, i only know - technically - one douglas. i know a few dougs, but only one douglas and it's just funny because i can see him as a table too.
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