I woke up before Lori. She would say I left her sleep, but we all no that even if I tried, nothing's getting her up until she's ready. that girl loves to sleep. Basically, she's a bear. Only the sleeping kind.
We had breakfast at home and then decided to run some errands in union square. After doing some walking around, we decided to look for somewhere outside to eat. We found a café on maiden lane, and had some pretty great food. Minus the nail clipping dude, it was really nice. There was a HILARIOUS moment at lunch. Oh, by the way, many of these pictures on this blog are form the ole iPhone which. Takes pretty good pictures. Just like this one. :)
This lady next to us (pictured behind Lori) had three dogs in two bags. She was in a semi heated talk with her orange husband who was wearing a leather jacket that looked like dragon hide or Basilisk or something. He looked ridiculous. He was in his late 60s and past the tanning bed and leather jacket age anyway. You know, I guess he would have looked silly regardless just being orange. It really doesn't matter what fictitious animal his jacket may be made out of. I'm straying from my picture topic.
So, Lori was sitting there, minding her own biscuits (biscuits = business in our language) while I was aiming my phone at her to take a picture. Right when I hit the picture button, The dogs went CRAZY. you HAVE to click on this picture to see it up close. look at Lori's eyes behind her sunglasses. HA HA. Almost as funny as the expression caught on tape from her surprise at her surprise party. (that will come in a future post for sure) You can see the woman just starting to calm down one of the three dogs. "I swear they can smell a dog a mile away." she said. Lori's money is on the fact that the dog walking by had tiny bells on it or something. We decided not to point out that other dogs had made their way past without distraction. It was best to let her keep thinking her tiny dogs had super sonic noses. I mean, her husband was orange and wearing improbable clothes. We needed to do something to brighten her day.
As you know from below, we made Sunday a Zoo trip. I think we've both been meaning to go for a while. I think about it every time I see the L train. Since it ends at the Zoo, it always says "L SF Zoo" on it. Direction / Advertising all in one. brilliant.
Anyway, prior to our decision to see some animals, we... woke up. We slept in for a bit. Until about 10. Then we both decided we were hungry and that Mission Beach Café should be the place to feed the beasts. We threw on the closest things to us and were sitting down within 15 minutes.
"Two amazing coffees please. Also, we would like a super delicious egg sandwich and falbulous pancakes. Can we round that out with a side of super tasty chicken apple sausage? yes? done. Bring it out!" Man we love that place.
Random fact (sort of):
Almost everywhere in SF seems to start serving brunch at 10. I don't think anyone gets up before 9 or something so if you want to have a great brunch and no waiting, get there between 10 and 11. after that, you're probably going to do some waiting.
The decision to go to the zoo was made over our meal, so after we finished our brunch, it was a run back to the house change shoes and grab a camera. (I love that we can get up with no plans, but end up at the zoo) A quick walk to the MUNI and away we go. the second train to come was the L which drops you off almost at the front of the zoo. It's weird to think that we can walk for 5 minutes, get on public transportation, and then not get out of our seat until we are at the zoo. The walk to the grocery store is further than the zoo.)
This is where Lori's story fills in the zoo gap. She didn't mention how we didn't get to see any big cats except for one tiger who seemed to be in some make-shift cage. Unfortunately, due to the incident a few months ago. the large cat area is closed for a while. Oh and I should totally telling you that we both had hot dogs. Shared some fries. Took pictures in one of those photo booth things. Lori had cotton candy (pink of course) and I had some dippin' dots.
After the zoo (and Lori was done trying to hug every large stuffed animal in the gift shop) we walked over to the beach. Wait, I need to talk more about Lori and things that are filled with fluff. She absolutely LOVES stuffed animals. The bigger the better. I have no idea where we would put them, but she wants them all. I stick by my guns on this one. If we ever have kids, she will use that as an excuse to buy huge furry things. There will probably be a bear boarding on obscenely large.
So, the beach. Look! The pacific! It's weird to think we live at the beach.
So, that was the wrap on the rest of the weekend. Pretty great weekend I'd have to say. I don't think I could give you a number one moment, but I will tell you that it was magical to walk by the theater at 9:42 and see that one of your favorite movies of all time is playing in 3 minutes. It was amazing to see it on the big screen.
Well, I better stop going on. If you've made it this far, I'm proud of you.
Come back soon. There will be more to say for sure. :)
Did you all see any of the wolves?
Hi Michel,
The SF Zoo (sadly) does not have wolves. Maybe you should send them suggestions, or offer to raise money to include them?
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