And how could I say no to this?
Friday night I didn't get home from work until about 8 (or after...) Ian ordered pizza, and we sat by the fire, ate our pizza, drank wine, and chatted about our days and all the new opportunities coming our way.
The weather was so nice, we decided to go for a walk. We walked all the way down Market to the Castro Theatre to see what was coming up. Lo! and behold--one of Ian's all-time favorite movies was starting in 5 minutes! We bought tickets, and went in.

Can I say how much I love the Castro Theatre? We've only been one other time--for Sing-A-Long Sound of Music, but it is a seriously magical place.
We chanced upon Say Anything. How much fun is that? Not only do they have a live organist (hail the Mighty Wurlitzer), but then a guy comes out and just chats and talks a bit--he's hilarious and personal and endearing. He's hand-selected the previews, and they're all old, old films of John Cusack. Previews sure have changed...
The Castro Theatre is fun because it's the only time people can yell things out and it's actually funny. It's like going to see a movie with a few hundred of your friends. Simply infectious.
So, it was a nice surprise, and made for a fun night.
Saturday, we did
Then our friend CarrieCarrie came over for dinner. We cooked and ate and drank wine and talked. Then we rocked it out with Rock Band. Very fun, laid back night with a good friend.
Today, again--another gorgeous, gorgeous day. After eating brunch at Mission Beach, we headed over to the SF Zoo for the first time. I always love the zoo.
Some highlights of course are giraffes, and my favorite was actually the new Grizzly Gulch. It is amazing to be so close to them!
The grizzlies were having a ball playing. I especially love the one of the bear below, and want Ian to Photoshop him into a bathtub. He looks hilarious, and tiny, and what the heck is up with his prissy feet examining?
Lastly, we didn't know Francois was also a monkey species! He's been our brother-in-law for a whole year! How about that?
The SF Zoo is right next to the beach, so for the first time, Ian and I walked on the beach together in SF. Very good day indeed. I feel refreshed for tomorrow. *sigh* Oh, tomorrow.
If I were a holiday, my name would be Frank.
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