It's Saturday night. Ian has settled into his brand new painting studio (3 floors down, in the garage's bonus room). If he hasn't said it already, we love our place. I think we never thought we'd find something to rival the home we had made in North Carolina--it was beautiful, and seemed built for us and our lifestyle. But, I have to admit that this is right there with it: we have tons of room, the place has undeniable character, and I learn new things to love about it just about every day.

For Christmas, I decided I'd start Ian back into painting. He hasn't had a place to paint really since we've been together, and that's sad. But our apartment has a wonderful shared bonus room (which the flat owner downstairs doesn't use). It's actually built up to function as a bar, complete with sink, and the little brass footrest along the base of the bar counter. So, I bought Ian all the necessaries at the local art store: easel, paints, canvases, charcoals, palettes, name it, and arranged it in the bar / bonus room. And today he's decided to jump right in.
Our Saturday today has been: sleep in. Ahhh--I had literally been waiting for this day all week long (I've been really busy at work). Secondly, we went to the art store to pick up some more stuff, we went to brunch at Chow (which was yummy), and came home. It's been raining and drizzly and gray all day. When Ian

One of my favorite guilty pleasures are period films and novels. I suppose they're not actually guilty pleasures in the true sense, because I don't feel so guilty about them. My real guilty pleasure might be (and yes, I can't believe I'm admitting it, either) good teenage cheesy flicks, like Olsen sister movies. Like the one when they went to Australia, or learned to drive going to Utah. Good stuff. Anyway, I do love period films and novels, so I think this has been the most delightful afternoon. Northanger Abbey has to be one of the more interesting, simply because it was Austen's first novel (published posthumously), and while wonderful in all senses of a period film, still has an immaturity about it, and somewhat less cynicism and wit that Austen later adopted.
I, Ian is downstairs painting, and I'm up here attempting to contribute to the blog, and enjoying a large glass of Cabernet.
I wanted to start maybe by catching you all up with a quick Top 5 / Low 5 so far of San Francisco:
Top Five (in random order)
1. Mission Beach Cafe--it's really close to our apartment, and we love it. It has such a great community / local feel, and everyone that works there seems genuinely nice, down-to-earth. The food is excellent (haven't gotten something I didn't like). They have amazing coffee, and wonderful ginger blueberry muffins. Come to think of it, I think Ian already mentioned it in his post, but didn't call it by name.

Have you ever moved around a bit? City to city? I have. And in the later years, I think to myself: Self, what will you miss about this place when you've left? I already consider these things, and ginger blueberry muffins from Mission Beach Cafe ranks as one of the highest. I know in years to come, I will crave them still (as I crave Chocolate Empanadas from Ed and Fred's in Lexington, KY).
2. Closeness--I love being within simple blocks of so many wonderful, and needed things. Like groceries (which I also love that they deliver groceries here). Or wine. Or a good boutique fix. Or hardware stores. Or bookstores. Anything I want is a healthy walk away.
3. Flower stands--Can I say how much I love them? How much I love when I pass people on the train or on the sidewalk carrying a large, bursting bouquet of flowers? I love it love it love it. Puts a smile on my face everytime. Makes me think Robert Doisneau, or Henri Cartier Bresson. It's just plain beautiful and happy.
4. Not driving--I guess along the same vein as closeness, I like walking a whole lot. It's good thinking time, and I love to pass people on sidewalks and invent all sorts of stories about them in my head. Ian and I went to a German restaurant for dinner last night, stuffing ourselves with Schnitzel and Spaetzle (eat your heart out, Neffnie), and felt much better after a cool, brisk walk home.
5. Shopping and food--OK, I cheated on this one by combining them. I like to shop. I won't lie. And I love the stores here. I love how many there are. I like the well-known ones and the unknown ones. I also have a strong affinity to specialty stores / food: I like stores where all they sell is loose leaf tea. Hundreds of varieties I've never heard of. Or all they sell are enormous cream puffs they make to order. A store that sells tiny replacement Monopoly pieces. It's curious, and just plain fun.
Low Five (in almost random order)
1. Pigeon

2. People coming at you--by this, I mean everyone is asking for something on the streets. Money, or alcohol, or giving away pamphlets, or something. I hate having to desensitize myself and focus straight ahead. I wish I could feel comfy enough to look absolutely everyone in the eye, and not feel like they want something from me in return.
3. Parking--Sometimes, it's hard for us to get in and out of our garage because someone thinks their tank of a car can fit in a space where only a Mini can go. Troublesome.
4. Bus system--I don't get it. The maps they provide are terrible, and so I just never take the bus. I take the Muni to work (underground). In and of itself, this is a pain. It is so incredibly crowded in the morning, people grab hold of the bars inside to try to pull themselves in enough so the doors will close. Yesterday, I waited through 4 trains before I could fit on. I am not someone who forces everyone else to be uncomfortable. I wait.
5. Rain--it has been raining without mercy. For days and days and days, and I'm just tired of it. I am ready for some sunny, warmer weather, so Ian and I can begin exploring on foot again. Although I won't complain about warming up next to a good fire.
All in all, the good absolutely outweighs the bad. I think Ian and I are just looking now for some good friends to make. We miss our friends. We miss people that will challenge us (outside of each other).
OK, well I believe that's all for my first post. Hope I wrote enough....haha.
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