Monday, February 4, 2008

Cats and Look-Alikes. Happy Monday!

Ian and I were chatting, and decided that this blog is fun for us because we get to check out new postings, as well. It's yet another way we continue dialogue as a (happily) married pair.

You can imagine my surprise when I stole a few minutes at work today to read his post from last night--that he likened me to a big cat!

I can see what he means--I love to sleep (he calls me a Comfort Professional), and I might fight you for the spot on the floor where the sun filters through the window. Aside from that...well, no way.

I hate cats. Let me preface my reasons by making sure you understand that I am, indeed, an animal lover. I wanted to be a vet forever, and in 8th grade I bought a PETA book and became a vegetarian. I even once started to flush a tiny bug down the toilet, and felt guilty and rescued him. I kept a journal and "nursed" him back to health.

But the two animals I really don't like are birds and cats. Here are some reasons I dislike cats:

1. My Gran had a cat named Angus. A nice enough cat. In 5th grade, I was sitting at his kitchen table doing my homework, Angus sleeping peacefully in my lap. Well, he lapsed too much into sleep and dug his back nails into my pants. When I realized the piercing pain, I stood up. The cat stood with me. I had to extract the claws from my pants. Not only were there holes in my pants, but my Gran used rubbing alcohol to disinfect. Ouch. See? Even a nice cat can hurt you.

2. In 6th grade, I was at my friend Whitney's house. She had a cat named Buster. Buster was sweet and I was petting him. Without warning, Buster reached out a long paw and clawed my arm, drawing some serious blood. You just can't trust them.

3. In high school, I was spending the night at Stephanie's parents' house. In the middle of the night, I was in the kitchen, when I noticed a large creature. It turned out to be Oscar, their lion-sized cat. Basically, he had me cornered in the kitchen for what seemed hours. It was miserable.

4. I was cat-sitting for my friend Kris once, and her two cats, Cappy and Monty, actually chased me out of the house. My last memory of them as I was hightailing was that they were actually stuck to the screen doors--claws out, hanging mid-door and hissing. Scary.

5. And one more example: continuing on with Steph, she currently has a horror of a cat named Cleo. Cleo brings tiny helpless animals into the house, and kills them. Or just mutilates them. She is also vicious--can lash out at any minute.

Anyway, this is a segue into my funniest moment of the day: Stephanie IM'ed me at work today. To my absolute terror, she changed her IM icon into a picture of a cat which seemed as though it was peering at me. I hated it. So, she decided to change the icon, by using her mac to take pictures of herself. She barraged me with various poses and pictures of items in her office (this was funny in and of itself). Finally, she used a program called Photo Booth on her mac, which allowed her to distort her image.

The end product was horrifying. And hilarious. And looked nothing like her. I couldn't believe it. At first, I told her to take it away immediately, and then I said: "You look just like Eric Stoltz in Mask!"

She denied it vehemently. "No, I don't!" So, I had to do the side-by-side look alike. And the results are amazing (I was actually crying at work, it's so funny and uncanny). Once I sent it on, she had to agree.

I'll let you all decide. Guess who is who?

Anyway, on a side note, it was a beautiful day today. Not a raindrop in sight. Work was fine. Nothing exciting to report. I did distribute this link around to some friends and family, though, and was happy to hear from Kimberly that she enjoyed it. It was my hope to attempt to share more of our life here with all of those we miss and love so much. It makes me really happy to know it worked (at least once). Nighty-night.

ps--to be fair, a list of cats I like:

1. Cooper (yes, Yaz, Gregg's cat Cooper has big green eyes...)
2. Pokey
3. Winston
4. Fictional cats--like the Cheshire cat. Or Morris. Or the Aristocats (certain ones)

5. Toa (Steph has had one cat that meets my approval)


The Whitsons said...

#1 - welcome to the blogosphere
#2 - why didn't we know about this sooner.

that's all. we miss you guys!

Ian said...

I'm going to chalk it up to lazy. We knew it was here, but it was kind of like when you look at the dishwasher and you don't want to upload. It seems like a lot of work, but you know it will only take maybe 2 minutes to unload. It was like that.

We miss you two! lucky for me, I'll see you both next week!