Friday, February 15, 2008

Here, LA, here again (hello weekend)

On Monday, I received an IM at work. It went like this:

Michelle: Can you travel tomorrow?
Me: haha
MIchelle: [silence]
Me: Are you serious?
Michelle: Yes
Me: OK, I guess so.

So it was done. Tuesday morning, I woke up earlier, and Ian drove me to the airport. The flight was at least on time (it hasn't been at all lately), but there were two annoying things:

1. The older couple in front of me insisted on making out the whole time. This wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the seating arrangement. Because I was in the last row, there was only one other seat besides mine, so we were a little moved over from the row of 3 in front of us--this meant that I was situated in between the two seats in front of me, rather than directly behind one seat and had a full view of the lovey doveyness. I got a picture of it, but I can't get the picture off my phone since they're not synced up. Kind of why I waitied to post (to see if I could show the picture). When I saw older, they were one of those 40 / 50 somethings that the woman dies her hair blond and thinks she's still 23. Especially gross.

2. The lady next to me was working on a powerpoint presentation, and talked to herself the whole time. I think she talked through everything: figuring out what to put in, and then practicing.

Thank god the flight to LA is only 1 hour.

We had lunch with clients, and then I was able to relax back in the hotel--by relax, I mean I worked for the rest of the day from the hotel, but was happy that I was in my pj's. Then, Michelle and I went to Venice Beach and had dinner at a place called Joe's, which was pretty tasty. I'm just happy it was on the company bill, and my 3 scallops were $31.

We attended the Interactive Mixer Burlesque Show--yes, crazy. It was actually not bad. The first LA event I attended wasn't as fun, because the territory was new for me, and I didn't know anyone. Now that it's been my third, it was fun seeing the same people, and being able to talk and mingle without feeling awkward.

Back to the hotel at 11:30, shower, check email, hop in bed. Up at 6:30 to catch my flight...then it was directly to work.

Not a big fan of Valentine's day, but when I got home Wednesday night, he had made a nice dinner, and gave me a beautiful vase and plant. Very sweet.

And now it's Friday. Here, Ian and I are going to branch off which is kind of fun (and maybe more interesting for you guys). Ian took the red-eye last night to Boston, where he's meeting up with our friends from the agency. They're snowboarding all weekend in Vermont.

I, on the other hand, have a girls' weekend planned with my friend Kirsten (aka K-Dawg). She was in Anaheim on business (she lives in NYC) and flew up here for the weekend. So, she arrived last night, we made dinner and had winie and chatted. Then Ian took off. This morning, we've already been to Mission Beach for coffee and a pastry. She's showering, and I think we'll walk around the hood today. It's another gorgeous day, and I'm very happy for that.

I guess that's the limit. I can't write more without pictures. How boring.

I am a little angry with myself for forgetting to sign off with my new names. I think I'll go back and fill in the blanks where I left off.

But for now:

If I were a table runner, my name would be Susanna.

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

hey i went to joe's in pebble beach! that's funny :)